4 Organizations Working to Fight Tuberculosis

  1. TB Alliance: TB Alliance is a not-for-profit organization that is dedicated to developing more affordable and better drugs for patients identified with Tuberculosis. They partner with BioTech companies, Academia, Research Institutes, Patients, the Government, Donors, and NGOs to discover faster-acting methods of treating TB. Their accomplishments include developing the first-ever RDA-approved treatment for highly drug-resistant TB, building child-friendly treatments for drug-sensitive TB, and changing the way TB Research is conducted.
  2. FHI360: FHI360 is an organization working to solve a range of issues. Its Tuberculosis Private Sector (TBPS) Program is working specifically on stopping MDR-TB in Indonesia, working together with the US for International Development.
  3. TheGlobalFund TB Program: The Global Fund also tackles a large range of issues. They report that “The Global Fund provides 76% of all international financing for TB (12% of total available resources) and has invested US$9.5 billion in programs to prevent and treat TB and an additional US$5 billion in TB/HIV programs as of June 2022.” They invest in stopping Tuberculosis by funding research and treatment efforts.
  4. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation helps fund research efforts to develop more efficient Tuberculosis medication and diagnostic tools. The Foundation works with government organizations in China, India, and South Africa to improve the monitoring of this deadly disease and control its spread.